Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Why I Love California....

Making the move from Idaho to California was by far one of the best decisions we've ever made. We're close to the beach, the lake, and snowboarding. We live so close to both sides of our families (can you say free babysitting!?) And unlike Idaho (which I'm pretty sure its STILL snowing in Rexburg) its been nice and warm and springtime-y for a few months now. The grass and trees are SO green, there are beautiful flowers blooming everywhere, I've pretty much been wearing shorts, skirts or dresses everyday, and most importantly weekly trips to the beach are right around the corner! I love everything about this beautiful area called the Central Coast, so yesterday Brian and I took advantage. We went on a run around his parents neighborhood and then went for a little dip in the spa with Jackson, it was perfect weather for both.

He's kind of a special boy : )

So flirtatious

Can't you just smell the intoxicating mixture of chlorine and fresh air when you look at these pictures?

 I do.

This is the floaty toy we got for Jackson at Walmart. Jackson LOVES the water but sometimes gets a little out of hand because he's constantly trying to dive into it and drink it (we sense an awesome wakeboarder in the near future)

Its a rough life.

Brian getting tired of mom taking one too many pictures....

California, we love you.....

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