Thursday, May 26, 2011

Just how I like 'em

It is seirously ridiculous how much I love this boy. When he wakes up from his naps I set him on my lap in the recliner and read him his two favorite books, "I Love You Through and Through" and Mary Engelbreit's "Happy Mother Goose" nursery rhymes. Its my favorite time of day because one, it means I just got a nice 1-2 hour break by myself, but two my little boy is still a little groggy and super cuddly. I read him through these books about 10 times, sometimes we sit there for almost an hour just reading them over and over again. You can tell he's starting to wake up because he'll start wanting to turn the pages and pausing to point at a picture that captures his attention.

....and of course anything that my two boys do together is just the cutest tihng ever!


Diaper changes are a constant battle. Seriously. That boy cannot sit still for more than a minute so it often turns into a two man job. One person changing, the other taking pictures.

This is just how I like my babies, messy. This is what Jackson usually looks after I feed him baby food. He gets it on his hands then rubs his hands all over his face, meaning Jackson is usually getting baths 1-2 times a day. Luckily Jackson LOVES bathtime so we have a lot of fun. (These pictures are super grainy, the ISO was somehow much MUCH higher than I thought)

Oh, Jackson and that finger. He points at EVERYTHING, so cute!

Just for family history purposes, Jackson is talking a ton, says mama, dada, and everything in between. He's walking around more and more, usually taking 2-3 steps at a time but has been known to take 5 or 6. He now has 3 teeth, his 3rd one just sprouting out this morning (when it rains is pours), and he is the most amazing thing in our world!

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