Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Weekend Trip to Utah

This last weekend we made the trip to Chris and Darci's wedding at the Timpanogos Temple in Utah. We're so glad we were able to be there as they got married!

Scott and Brittany

 Jackson loves the color red so much and wouldn't stop reaching for Brittany and he red coat!

Brian getting ready to open his early birthday present....

Reading the card that explains that his present would be useful on our roadtrip we're getting ready to take that weekend....

A little excited....

Oh! The new Guster CD!.....

So excited to find out we're going to the Guster concert in Salt Lake that Saturday!!!

We brought in our little point-and-shoot to the concert then realized while we were in there that the memory card was in our new digital camera so we had to take these pictures on my phone. This is the opening band for Guster

I got to touch the lead singer of Guster when he stood on the railing right in front of the crowd! I grabbed his knee then I actually held his hand!! We were so close we were right in the middle and only 3 people back, pretty much the perfect spot!

A last minute picture of us as we were leaving

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