Tuesday, January 18, 2011

7 Month Check-up

Most babies have a check-up when they are 6 months, but because of the holidays and our pediatrician going on maternity leave (without our knowledge of her even being pregnant!!) Jackson had his appointment at 7 months. Its always fun to compare Jackson's size to other babies around him and his being a month older at this appointment kind of puts a damper on that fun, but here is how he does at 7 months (the percentiles are for his age group, not compared to other 6 month olds):

Length: 28.5 inches (90th percentile)
Weight: 19 pounds 12 ounces (75th percentile)
Head Size: 47.9 cm (90th percentile)

So far he has pretty consistently been in the 75th percentile for weight and 90th percentile for length, but his head size has been getting higher and higher! He started out being in the 50% when he was born and has been just been going up from there and now he's in the 90%. Mima drove Jackson and I to his appointment so she got to be there to watch him be weighed and measured.

One exciting milestone that he has reached is that he's now crawling! People have been asking for awhile if he could and while he would inch his way forward every once in awhile, we couldn't give a definitive "yes" until now! I swear for Jackson once he starts doing something he just doesn't look back because it happened overnight! One day he's just rolling over and kind of twisting his way forward and the next he's doing the army crawl and there's nowhere he can't get to! Its one of those moments that we've been looking forward to so much but now that he's doing it its a whole new ballgame! Doing the dishes for 5 minutes straight without having to get him away from something (the heater, trashcan, etc.) is such an accomplishment!

More recently, Jackson has started clapping! It actually just happened yesterday as we were driving back from Utah for Chris and Darci's wedding. Its funny because we don't feel like we clap at him a lot so him learning to do so so early is actually kind of a surprise! As we were driving I would look back and he would be clapping to himself so we would encourage him by clapping and saying "Yay!" and ever since he has been doing it nonstop! He wakes up from a nap or I enter the room and there he is clapping with a big smile on his face! We're especially proud because the pediatrician was really impressed when he started doing it at the appointment and she said that its a 9 month skill that he has learned at 7 months! We're such typical proud parents ; )

He's also started eating baby foods. We started giving him rice cereal about a month ago and the doctor told us to now start giving him the jarred fruits and vegetables so we are moving right along to that! Its so fun to be trying all these new things with Jackson, he just gets more and more fun everyday!

Mima and Jackson

Just testing out the new Nikon D5000!

Playing at Boston and Cindy's while mommy tested out the new camera

Another first: Swinging on the swing!

We just love this boy so much!!!

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