Friday, January 28, 2011

My Best Friend's Birthday

Yesterday was Brian's birthday, so naturally I've been thinking about our last 3 years together and how grateful I am for the amazing husband I've been so blessed with! We met exactly 3 years and 2 weeks ago when my friend Wes Mallett invited me over to Brian's house for a little get together. For some reason I decided to wear jeans and a XL baggy gray fleece zip-up jacket. Later, when trying to understand my thought process in picking out that outfit, Brian thought it went a little something like this: "What can I wear that will accentuate my... Nothing." BUT despite my severe oversite and lack in taste, somehow I still caught Brian's eye. Since that night we met (January 13, 2008) we have seen each other EVERYDAY without fail. In case you're wondering, that is approximately 1,110 days straight.

One of my favorite stories that Brian tells about when we first met is when one day as we were driving together and having a great time and laughing he had this thought in his head: "Even if things don't work out with this girl, we are still going to be best friends." And thats exactly what we are! Best friends that get to live together and have a family together and see each other
every day for a thousand days.

I can't imagine my life without my best friend, husband, and father of Jackson! He's everything I've ever wanted in a husband and more, and I still don't know why he picked me! The dorky girl in a baggy, gray, fleece zip-up that talked about Harry Potter way too much and was way out of her league. Let's just say there was some divine intervention that night : )

So yesterday we celebrated this amazing man's 25th birthday by starting out with some home-made breakfast burritos. We then dropped off Jackson and headed to the beach! We were supposed to go snowboarding that day because you snowboard for free at China Peak, but the night before Jackson got really sick and was throwing up for almost an hour straight until there was nothing left, poor guy! So we decided to stay a little closer to home, and only in California can you decide not to go snowboarding in January and then head over to the beach for some surfing! It was BEAUTIFUL in Morro Bay! It was about 70 degrees and when I got out while Brian stayed in the water to surf a little longer I just took off the top of my wetsuit and layed in the sand soaking up the sun!

Brian and I planned our food very carefully yesterday, wanting to take advantage of every free thing we could! So we headed to Sylvester's in Los Osos for a free burger, then later that night after Brian's class we went to Big Bubba's for a free $20 meal! We ended the night with the only thing he actually asked for, a massage! I felt bad about celebrating his birthday with the Guster concert so early, but we decided that his birthday should just be a month long celebration : ) Because we were so full yesterday I didn't make a birthday dessert, so I'm making it up for him by making his two favorites over the next couple days: My mom's berry/brownie dessert and a Chocolate Malted Crunch ice cream cake. After all, there's still a few days left in January!

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