Monday, March 7, 2011

Jackson: 8 Months

So I've been a little behind on my blogging about Jackson because he seems like he's just been learning something new each week! First he started doing the army crawl and got really fast at it! I would just throw toys across the room and let him go exploring while I did dishes or cooked meals. One time I even looked down at him and he was holding his toy in his teeth like an army man biting down on his knife!

It was cute because he started following me everywhere I went. Whenever i would leave the room for even a second I would soon see him peaking around the corner waiting for me. I'm so glad I caught this funny face of his!

Soon he started getting up on all fours and rocking back and forth, and Brian and I knew it was only a matter of time until he started actually crawling.

Eventually I stopped putting out toys for him because he would much rather go and crawl on top of our small wicker laundry baskets and any sort of boxes or other small things he could climb on.

Then one night as Brian and I were talking in our room we looked over and Jackson had stood up on his own on our laundry basket!! We were shocked! Ever since our trip to Arizona to visit my sister where Jackson had a ton of stuff to climb on thats about all he does! Its like he skipped the sitting up phase because he would much rather be crawling around and climbing on furniture. There pretty much isn't anything he can't get on these days, its the getting down part he struggles with.

Jackson does the CUTEST pose! Sometimes when he's crawling around he'll just stop and do this little pose. These pictures are hilarious because he looks like a little model! I think my favorite part is his chunky thighs ; )

He just makes the cutest faces! He'll do this face where he scrunches his nose all the time, I love it! And even more recently he started shaking his head back and forth while raising his eyebrows, its my favorite!!

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