Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Lazy Tuesday Afternoon

Today was a lazy sort of Tuesday. Jackson's been sick with a neverending cold and I feel like I've been constantly suctioning out his nose every 10 minutes, but because of course the weather in California has been BEAUTIFUL I decided a little trip to the great outdoors was necessary. I then spent a good portion of the afternoon taking pictures of my handsome little guy and then editing them. I was really proud of myself because it was the first time I've shot in Manual, and because I want to seriously start a little photography business its definitely a goal of mine. Of course I didn't get it totally right but its a baby step : )

This is the lion that Brian used to play with when he was little

1 comment:

Michelle Y. said...

Great pictures and editing Kait! I can't wait to see your family. My boys love Jackson like a brother :)