Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Bye Bye Sleeper

Jackson has always been the kind of kid to completely sprawl out when he's sleeping (must get it from his mom). Even from just a couple weeks old he would rather sleep with his arms above his head than swaddled up in a blanket. Then we found the most amazing thing to get him to sleep while keeping him bundled up.....

The sleeper.

We found it at Target (my safe haven) one day and since then we have never been able to find one just like it with a hood and long sleeves and everything. The second we put it on him he starts rubbing his eyes and he knows its time to sleep. When Jackson started getting too long for it where he couldn't stretch out his legs, I sewed on an extension with similar spare fabric that I had and lined it a soft blue minky material. Problem solved. Now the summer is approaching and its getting way too hot for him to sleep in. Slowly we are trying to ween him off this amazing blessing that was sent to us, but alas Jackson is too attached to it. So goodbye amazing sleeper, you've been good to us, and hello to trying to reform great sleeping habits (again).

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