Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Jackson at 4 months

Jackson's 4th month has been full of firsts for him and we are having so much fun with him! I know its a little late but Jackson had a pediatrician appointment on October 20th and here are the statistics:
Length: 26 1/4 in (90th percentile)
Weight: 16.0 lb (75th percentile)
Head Size: 43 1/2 cm (75th percentile)
When Jackson was born his head size was in the 50th percentile so we joke that he's a little more proportionate these days.
Exciting news! Jackson finally rolled over and he is doing it like crazy now! The only problem is that he can only roll from his back to his stomach (not the usually way babies do it) and not the other way around. So whenever I lay him on the ground to clean or work he's always rolling over and getting stuck and isn't happy about it. So about every 2 minutes I'm getting up to roll him back over, but he always has a smile for me when I do! He's really quick at it and I'll look away for a second and he's already on his stomach again. He has rolled over the other way a couple times but hasn't quite got the hang of it.
One fun thing that we've been enjoying is Jackson's new laugh. He giggles like crazy now and it is so much fun! At night we'll lay him on the bed and tickle his stomach (apparently the only place he's even remotely ticklish) and he will laugh like crazy and get all worn out for bed. I swear not a day goes by without someone saying "He's a happy baby!" He's very social and has a big smile for just about anyone.

We finally got jackson to start sleeping in his crib after the pediatrician got on our case about him sleeping in his carseat. (Hey, whatever works!) It was touch and go at first, but he was already not sleeping that well so we figured it couldn't get much worse. The first night was a long one and we had to go in his room about every 2 hours but from then on he got used to it just fine! And now he has been sleeping 7-8 hours a night occassionally and we're starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel (again). We started his bedtime at 9:00. The ideal bedtime would've been 8:00 but he was just not having it that early so we settled for 9. Being the sneeky parents we are at daylight savings time we kept putting him to bed at 9, but its 8:00 the new time! So we'll see how that goes!
This is the only way Jackson will let me take a shower or get some work done, if he's got his pacifier, blanket, and a couple friends to keep him company. This duck is so funny we started calling it his "girlfriend" because he absolutely loves it and he's constantly cuddling with it and sucking on the beak so it looks like he's kissing it!
We have to watch out for these two.

1 comment:

JImandDiane said...

I can not wait to hold that cute boy!!!! And to see you guys!!