Of course it wasn't all smooth sailing because from 6-8 1/2 weeks I was nautious all day (the term "morning-sickness" is very misleading) and it was very hard to eat food especially because I had some sensitivity to certain smells and meats especially were very hard to force down. All in all though I find myself very blessed because I work 40+ hours a week at a job that I am primarily standing at a computer working with customers and I was dreading the day when I would be working with someone and would have to run to the bathroom to throw up! But I am pretty much over the worst of it and the only times I feel nautious are when I don't eat enough.
Our baby is about 3 inches long and weighs about an ounce. There are fingerprints on the little fingers and he/she has reflexes and is just swimming around right now! The head is about 1/3 of the size of the body which is better than a week or so ago when it was 1/2 the size of the body! The heart was beating at 154 beats per minute which sounded pretty strong to us! I don't think I've started showing yet in fact I actually lost 3 pounds since my last appointment which my sister pointed out that that was even before Thanksgiving! I am so excited to start showing though I already have some maternity clothes that are just sitting in my room but I can't wear them yet! My sister Kim (this is her second pregnancy) is 6 weeks farther along than I am and has the cutest little baby bump on her tummy and I can't wait to catch up to her! My next appointment is in 6 weeks which means I'll be 19 weeks and I'll have the ultrasound that tells us the sex of the baby which we are both dying to find out!